An Ex-Gnome Tank's World

Cutting down the largest tree in the forest with a herring

April 13th, 2009 Posted in Wrath of the Lich King

The more astute readers of this site will have realised that a second armory profile has appeared in the sidebar. Druziraa was the very first character I created to tank, long before Namthe was even considered, let alone created, and before even the Burning Crusade was launched. It was the heady days of patch 2.0, it looked like druids might actually be excellent tanks (Dead Code Elimination even ran Zul’Gurub with a druid main tank). Of course, eventually the Burning Crusade arrived, and I went back to my main, leaving the poor druid at level 34, forgotten and gathering dust. By the time I came to level a tank, it was becoming increasingly obvious that bear tanks would cut it for a lot of content, but warriors just had it easier.

And now? Once I reach 80, it’s my intention to play a healing character, to see how the other side lives. In the meantime, though, having played through much of the levelling and questing content of the original World of Warcraft, Burning Crusade and now Lich King, I can see some differences in how quests are implemented but in many ways they’re fundamentally the same.

In the Burning Crusade, quests were very much a continuation of the tradition started in classic WoW – go out and kill a certain number of mobs. Unfortunately, inflation kicks in and eventually you get to requirements to kill silly numbers of creatures, like fifty ogres (The Twin Clefts of Nagrand, I’m looking at you). Things have changed in Lich King. The most I’ve had to kill for any single quest is twenty creatures, something of a step down. So, Lich King has significantly improved the quest to killing ratio. Or has it?

Sure, there are lots less of the “Kill everything stone dead” type quests, but what of it? We’re killing nearly as many things, but instead we’re fetching items that have a 100% drop rate, or finding things that are strewn across the area. Sure, there are many more interesting quests, like the vehicle quests but it just feels like a bit of a distraction from the exact same grind we had before. Borean Tundra in particular felt like this, though I can’t really explain why. Superficial differences are all that seperate the new quests from the old, with the exception of the vehicle “gimmick” quests.

In an effort to make the levelling process interesting again I’ve turned to something else. By speccing resto and running dungeons, I’m seeing a different way to level that may or may not be what I’m looking for. I’ll report back on my experiences in a few days.

  1. 2 Responses to “Cutting down the largest tree in the forest with a herring”

  2. By Jacob on Apr 13, 2009

    exact same grind we had before. Borean Tundra in particular felt like this

    Yes. I don’t know exactly what it is, but Borean Tundra feels like a boring grind to me; I like the Fjord much better. Maybe the difference is in the story telling; the Fjord quests might appease my by having more sensible stories. I’m not sure.

    The “Nothing Boring about Borean” achievement is particularly badly-named, given how bored I am by the time I finish Borean Tundra.

  3. By Ultraking on Apr 14, 2009

    As someone who raided through my first Rags kill on a rogue only to switch in the middle to my mage I now love, all I can say is: I feel ya.

    For me Grizzly Hills felt dry, but I was hauling ass to 80 so fast everything seemed too slow at the time.

    I wanted to let you know that I picked your blog as one of my top 7. When I was leveling my warrior back towards the end of BC, I had a hard time finding anything about the experience of tanking, and as a lover of gnomes, you have both interests covered.

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